Saturday, June 23, 2012

"Greater" Believer

This is a Greaver. Or as Gilly/Autocorrect would say, a "Greater". They are a highly venomous, super intelligent hybrid breed only known to Camp Congowingo. I would have a better picture, but the Greaver cannot be photographed. It is too elusive.

The Greaver can only be killed with a Chib, which is a Scottish weapon. We are working hard to spread awareness...this drawing was done on a napkin at a restaurant and was promptly explained to our waiter (who believed us).

They are trying hard to take us down. Just last week, Gilly twisted her knee, I hurt my ankle, and another counselor was bucked off a horse: all at the hands/paws/talons/death claws of the Greaver.

They're gathering forces and we're gathering Chibs. Are you a Greaver Believer?

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